
My Friend Rebecca

girl blowing petals -The first time we met was at an ice cream meetup through our social group.  I spotted her across the sidewalk and immediately knew we would be BFF’s!  I mean c’mon I had the same shirt she was wearing in my closet at home.  That is destiny right there!  I pictured us with matching BFF necklaces staying up late talking about boys and of course shopping together!  I worked up my nerve to start chatting her up, I didn’t want to screw it up otherwise who would I give the other half of my necklace too?  Things seemed to be going well and then another girl started asking for her email so they could hang out and I thought “Hey back off, she is my new best friend!!!”.  I made sure to give her my card and let her know I was very interested in seeing her again.  When she emailed me later that week I jumped for joy!!  Yes, looking for a friend when you are over 30 is a lot like dating.  The good ones have been taken since college, the places to meet new ones are pretty slim and when you find a good one you have to act fast before someone else gets to them!  Oh and there are a bunch of others out there that after chatting for 5 min you realize why they are still available.  But there is always a gem or two to find, like the one who refuses to spend another deployment crying on her couch like a sad sack (Me) or the one who just moved to the area (Rebecca).  Sadly after reading that I may be that one that after 5 min of talking you realize why I was still friendless.  In my defense I had friends but I didn’t have that one friend that you always call whenever something happens good or bad. (Besides my sister because she is obligated by blood to take those calls and be my other BFF, love you Michelle)

Rebecca and I have bonded over drinks at the Pub, movie nights where she is still trying to make up for picking The American, and Sister Wives.   She sends me the funniest text messages that are not appropriate for the internets to read.  She cracks me up!  Oh and we can’t forget our mutual love of cupcakes, seriously I bribe her with them to help me with my business stuff all the time!  We have started a Sister Wives tradition of pizza, beer and a marathon of episodes.  Best….time….ever!!!  She appreciates my snark when I can’t control it and I appreciate hers.  Here is where I’ll get sappy and try to make her cry, I don’t know how I would have made it through David’s deployment without her.  Instead of being sad and lonely on my couch missing him I was busy and laughing a lot.  Those are two key ingredients to making it through any deployment, stay busy and laugh whenever possible!  Rebecca helped me accomplish those two things.  I’m pretty sure David was tired of hearing about our exploits!  Funny fact is that the two have yet to meet, I met Rebecca after David had gone to Cali and since he has been back it has been a roller coaster of stuff so I’m still figuring out how to introduce them.  Is is weird I’m nervous they won’t like each other?  Man, just….like….dating!

After dragging Rebecca to another wedding industry event with the promise of cupcakes I threw in a mini photo shoot.  Let’s just say I was getting an itchy trigger finger and wanted to play and the weather was finally nice enough to not require a parka!  We spent about 10 min or so getting these shots, I plan to drag her back out to play with some sunflare closer to sunset one day soon!  So consider this Part 1 🙂

rebecca 148 Edit -

Gorgeous!!rebecca 1 -

See how funny she thinks I am!  I am an awesome friend if I can make you laugh like this!

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Love those eyelashes!rebecca 213 Edit - rebecca 2 -

See again with the laughing, I’m telling you I’m a riot!  She was totally lucky to pluck me off the friend market, I’m a catch!

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    Miami newborn photographer

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    I'm Melissa! Luxury maternity and lifestyle newborn photographer in Charlottesville, sail boater, lover of Lilly Pulitzer, and obsessed with true crime and interior design. I'm so glad you found me!


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    Melissa Arlena is an award winning Richmond and Charlottesville photographer. She recently earned her Master Photographer Certification in the Maternity, Newborn & Family categories from the National Association of Professional Child Photographers. Melissa offers maternity, lifestyle newborn, and family photography in her relaxed, natural, and joyful style.


    Melissa serves Charlottesville, Richmond, Staunton, Fredericksburg, Harrisonburg, Waynesboro, Culpeper, Gordonsville and beyond.



    Melissa Arlena Photography captures newborns, maternity, and families.

    Charlottesville and richmond, va

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