You may have noticed that there have been a lot of blog posts going on here. Well I’m trying to knock out goal #1 on my 101 in 1001 list which is to blog everyday for a month. This goal is hard and I knew it would be but I’m committed to completing it! I thought I would share what I have learned about being a successful blogger, not that I am successful but I see what others do and I’m working on it! A successful blog gets updated frequently and that takes time, time to plan the posts, write the articles, take the photos and process them and work on all the google SEO magic. When you do those things well your audience will start to grow like magic! I discovered a home improvement blog, Young House Love almost 3 years ago and it is like crack to me, they update frequently with things I like to read about like projects they are doing. They write pretty lengthy posts and include photos and I’m always blown away by how they manage their home improvement projects, their new baby and their blogging schedule. I can tell you part of the reason I’m blogging about blogging tonight is that I’m tired and want to go to bed soon and don’t want to spend a couple hours putting together a product posting. I thought I would take my laziness though and channel it into something useful for you! I was thisclose to cheaping out and throwing a favorite photo up and calling it a day but I committed to this project so no cheating! In my 12 days of blogging every day here are 3 tips I’d like to share!
1. Plan you posts! I sat down and wrote out things that I want to blog about. I was able to reference my 101 in 1001 list and find goals I had completed but not blogged about so that gave me a good chunk of material. I also thought about things that I wanted to share with clients like fun products so I added those to the list.
2. Schedule your posts! After I wrote down all my ideas I started figuring out a schedule of what to write about on each day but I didn’t finish it so I’ve found myself scrambling several times. I feel like I’m in high school again and put off my term paper till the night before it was due! (By the way I did that for pretty much every major project during my school years! I’m a bad procrastinator.) Sometimes that works and you can be brilliant but most of the time you end up stressed out and not satisfied with the work you’ve submitted. I plan to take the rest of my list this weekend and put together a schedule so I’m prepared and things will flow better I hope!
3. Set aside time! I made the goal to blog everyday but I didn’t say I would sit down every single day and write. This is where the lovely scheduled posts plugin for wordpress comes in handy!! I can write up the posts and then schedule them for days later in the week or month. I’m working on setting aside time to devote to 1-2 blog posts at a time and scheduling them for later. I’ve also realized that it takes me twice as long as I think it should to write a blog post. I’ve started setting a time limit of an hour or else I write and then erase several times and next thing I know 3 hours have passed and I’ve got one paragraph. I think if I put together my schedule of posts and set aside the time needed I’ll be able to think clearer and knock my posts out quicker. That is my goal at least! This post will take me an hour while I think up something to say!
I’ve also learned that I want to start every blog post with the word So for some reason, I have no idea why but everytime I write it and then delete it. It’s becoming the valley girl Like to me for some reason! So blogging is hard! lol! I vow to have more cohesive posts for the rest of this goal and knock out my blog list. Tomorrow I will be fitting in blogging after my small group meeting but before my client consult and definitely before my portrait session tomorrow. February is typically a slow month for photographers because it is cold outside but I’ve been crazy busy this month getting ready for another bridal show and meeting with new clients! At some point I have a list of stuff to do before David comes home next month like bagging all the leaves I finally raked in the front yard and cleaning up the office so he actually has a desk again. One thing at a time though!
No pic because I’m tired and going to bed now 🙂
Melissa Arlena is an award winning lifestyle newborn photographer in Charlottesville and Richmond, Virginia who has earned her Master Photographer Certification from NAPCP in maternity, newborn and family photography. Her natural and simple work has been featured in magazines and online blogs worldwide. She has been named Best Maternity and Newborn Photographer in Richmond and Charlottesville, VA in 2024.
Blogging regularly is so hard!!! Good job on working towards a goal for Feb 🙂 Young House love also blows me away! I mean it is their full time job and all but seriously, they have to do all the projects in order to blog it. Makes me tired just thinking about it 🙂
I know it is crazy how good they are keeping on schedule. It takes me forever to write a blog post, darn facebook and google reader distractions 😉