I thought it was finally time to give the Brand Photographer Method Bootcamp a review! I stumbled across Jessie’s course for personal brand photographers back in January 2021. I had actually already booked a personal branding session for a client and was trying to make sure I covered all my bases.
Now I should tell you that I’m a recovering education course junkie. I love learning new things and I always want to be the best I can be at stuff. So in the past I would buy tons of courses on different aspects of photography, business and marketing. Why am I telling you this? Because I think that makes me an expert on whether a course is good or not!
I’ll cut to the chase, I absolutely LOVED the Brand Photographer Method Bootcamp! Jessie has create an amazing course that really maps things out from start to finish. In fact it made me take a look at my newborn process to make improvements and map things out better. Jessie lays out a complete client experience that feels high end. All of my personal branding photography clients feeling like I understood what they needed and delivered.
Jessie has really provided a start to finish business with all the nuts and bolts included. If you are transitioning from another genre she’s got info for you. Need help portfolio building or setting pricing she’s included training on that. Freebies like email templates and IG captions are also included! My favorite is the workflow template! Even if it’s been awhile since I’ve had a personal branding session I can jump into that workflow template and walk my client through the process with ease!
Honestly the way everything is setup up if you’ve never run a photography business before but are good at taking photos you could take her course and create your business without needing to look at any other courses! The course only opens a few times a year so be sure to join the waitlist to get in on the next round. Get more details at the link below!
Looking for more reviews like The Brand Photographer Method Bootcamp review? Check out my resources for Photographers page!