
My Life : Controlled Chaos

I’m taking some precious time this morning to finally post something personal to the blog.  Will is asleep but I expect him to wake up anytime so I have to be quick!  I can tell you that life after having a kid is a state of chaos!  If you are lucky it is controlled chaos but still chaos nonetheless.  Things that used to be must do’s become would be nice if I coulds.  I’m still trying to figure out a routine but I’m so GRATEFUL that he finally sleeps through the night!!  Ahh it is heaven to get more than 4 hours sleep at a time.  I try to sneak a couple hours in the morning to get some work done or just catch up on chores.

Will has mastered crawling and is like a rocket around the house.  He typically crawls to the nearest thing he can use to pull himself up and I think he spends more time standing than crawling.  He is also in that stage of putting everything into his mouth which is really starting to highlight the fact that vacuuming which used to be a must do 2-3x a week has become a would be nice if I could.  Sammy has also grown like a weed, he is over 50lbs now at 8 months old.  David and I think he is going to be short like his mom but we are keeping our fingers crossed he might get a little taller.  He has no idea there is a difference between him and Will.  He thinks he is just like Will and that Will’s toys are his too!  If I’m playing with Will Sammy is right there getting his attention too.  He has also started taking toys to Will to try to play with him.  It is totally cute and when he licks Will’s face Will howls with laughter!  These two are going to be best buds as they grow up.

On top of the baby and the puppy we MOVED!  Not too far away just closer to Fredericksburg and we love the house!  David joked around that this house came right out of my head because everything I said I wanted we have in this house.  Tucked away at the end of a very long driveway-check, fireplace-check, garage-check, office space off the front door just for me -check, huge deck-check, big lot-check, covered front porch-CHECK!!!!  I adore the open floor plan and the family room with two story vaulted ceilings and the fireplace.  I finally have a mantel to hang stockings from!  Oh and the light in this house is to die for!  We went from having 8 windows in the whole house to having 20+ windows plus skylights and two sets of french doors!  I can literally shoot anywhere in this house and have gorgeous light!  I’m still working on unpacking and getting the office setup but I’m in no rush.  The thing we loved most about this house was everything was move in condition and while there are some projects we want to tackle down the road nothing is a must do!  Unfortunately home improvement projects and a baby are a tough combo so we are happy to just live here for now before we make any changes.

When I’m not out shooting on the weekends we are back on the boat which makes me so happy!  We took a trip for Memorial Day and have another planned for 4th of July.  Will loves to drive the boat on Daddy’s lap, I’m sure it won’t be long before he wants to do it himself!  Sammy our water dog has turned out to not be a fan of water.  We let him ease himself in and he came right back out.  Once Sadie figured out he wouldn’t come in the water she stood just out of his reach in the water tormenting him.  For anyone who thinks dogs aren’t smart or don’t have a sense of humor that right there is proof to me that they have both!

So add to all that some adorable family sessions, fun engagement sessions and of course gorgeous weddings and life is a state of controlled chaos!  I love it all though and right now I’m anxiously anticipating hearing my little man let me know he is awake.  As much as I love nap time around here I also love when he wakes up and I’m just as excited to see him as he is to see me!


My two favorite men!  Oh and yes I know my kid looks nothing like me 😉

will at the helm -

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    Miami newborn photographer

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    I'm Melissa! Luxury maternity and lifestyle newborn photographer in Charlottesville, sail boater, lover of Lilly Pulitzer, and obsessed with true crime and interior design. I'm so glad you found me!


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    Melissa Arlena is an award winning Richmond and Charlottesville photographer. She recently earned her Master Photographer Certification in the Maternity, Newborn & Family categories from the National Association of Professional Child Photographers. Melissa offers maternity, lifestyle newborn, and family photography in her relaxed, natural, and joyful style.


    Melissa serves Charlottesville, Richmond, Staunton, Fredericksburg, Harrisonburg, Waynesboro, Culpeper, Gordonsville and beyond.



    Melissa Arlena Photography captures newborns, maternity, and families.

    Charlottesville and richmond, va

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